Thursday, June 24, 2010

What Kind of Gear Do You Carry?

I came across this site: and I was very intrigued by it. It's all about planning and organizing, but it's so much more. It's about making time for the things that are important to you. It's about making the things that you want to do as important as the things you have to do.

I procrastinate a lot less nowadays...I've learned the hard way that procrastination often leads to trouble. And so I don't have a lot of trouble getting done those things that have to get done. But I tend to waste a lot of my free time because I have too many things I want to do. And lots of nagging ideas that never really get fully developed.

This site is full of very creative people who share their ideas on how they go about planning and organizing their activities. There are lots of templates you can download and print out to keep track of things.

Here is the gear I have created, mainly to record the things I want to do or make, to keep a list of ideas that I would like to work on. With them all down on paper, I can choose a project and work on it, then decide what to work on next:

I also made a few little notebooks to carry around to doodle in and jot down ideas:

Don't get me wrong. I like having unstructured free time. But I would also like to spend a little more physical and mental energy on projects that I want to do.

1 comment:

  1. wow nice blog hope u would like to visit mine also
