Sunday, February 7, 2010

How Writing is Written

Writing is a talent you are born with, but there are ways you can hone your skill and become a fairly decent writer. You have to have the desire of course, but there are certain steps you can take that will get you on your way. Here's how I go about it.

First, I need an idea. Ideas are everywhere. Ideas are like television sets...everybody has one. Some people have three or four. I write down my idea on a piece of paper because tomorrow I'll not only forget my idea, I'll forget I even HAD an idea.

So I have my idea picked out. Write that at the top of a clean sheet of paper. Now is where the real work begins. I find myself wondering if the kitchen trash needs to be taken out. And while I'm at it, I'm sure the trash can could use a good rinsing with the hose. While I have the hose out, I notice my car is dirty. No time like the present. Now with these things out of my way, I can concentrate on my writing.

I go back to my task. Stare at the paper awhile. Where's the dog? I haven't played with her all day. Dogs really need human interaction. I help her find her ball and go out and play with her...give her the attention she deserves.

Now back to my writing. Do I need an outline? Or do I plunge right in? This takes some thought. Hmmmmm...I wonder how long it's been since I cleaned out the refrigerator. Well, that can't wait another minute! It needs to be done right now. Take everything out and really clean that sucker...inside and out. Top to bottom. Now I've made a mess on the floor. I'll have to clean that up. Who can concentrate on writing with a dirty refrigerator? I'm ready to focus on my writing now.

I go back and take a stab at the first sentence. Erase and try another. Do I like that? Well, I sure don't like that stain on the carpet! That has to come up right now. Spray some cleaner on it and let it soak. While I'm waiting for that, I might as well clean out the closet. Pull everything out and put it all back nice and neat. Now that stain is ready to be brushed out. Voila! Stain gone. Closet clean. Now back to this writing.

Ok, first sentence...first sentence...How long has it been since I changed the filters in the furnace? It's going to start getting cold in about three months and they really should be checked. Just what I thought. They're filthy. Better get the vacuum out and clean those right away. Dirty furnace filters can cause a fire. I just saved my home from a terrible disaster. And speaking of filters, what about the air filter in my car? How long has it been since I changed that? This can't be put off another minute. Go up to the auto supply store and buy one. I know how to change it myself. Now with a clear mind, I can go back to my work.

First sentence...ok, forget the first sentence. Second sentence...second that a spider on the wall? Look at all the webs in the corners. Those have to come down now. Put a t-shirt over a broom and knock those down. Wow! There were a lot of them! That shirt needs to go in the washer now. Might as well sort the dirty clothes and wash a whole load. Thank God that's out of the way.

Ok, back to work. Where's my pencil? Did I take it to the kitchen? Backyard? Here it is...Ok. First and second sentences giving me some trouble. Think...think...think...what year was Dog Day Afternoon made? I better look that up. Ah...1975. It was based on a true story about a bank robbery in 1972. It was nominated for an Academy Award. Now where was I?

Oh, yeah...first sentence...second sentence...I need a title. No, not that...Erase...scribble...erase...scribble...I don't like my hair, my feet, my face. I need a shower. I'm hungry. I don't like this chair. My back hurts. It's hot in here. Do the cats have water? What's on TV?

When Sue asks me what I did all day, I tell her I was writing. It's hard work.

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