Friday, January 8, 2010

Van Gogh "The Bedroom" Diorama

I'm working on a diorama of this painting by Vincent Van Gogh. I started with the floor. I would give credit for the floor technique if I could remember where I saw it. I cut a piece of heavy paper to the exact dimensions of the floor, then cut random lengths of popsicle sticks and glued them down on the paper. Two pencil dots at each end of each little plank looks like nails. When it was all dry, I sanded it down and put a wash of burnt sienna acrylic on it.

I made sketches of the furniture for reference.

Then I just kind of built the furniture with craft wood, sticks, etc. to look as much like the picture as I could.

Here's what it looks like so far:

I still have to hang some cloth for a towel by the door on the left, and there's some junk on the back wall behind the bed. Also it looks like a brush and a blue ceramic water bowl on the table that I have to make. I think the paint job needs to be scruffed up a bit, too. Then...a Van Gogh action figure so I can play with it.

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